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of the Life Atoms


H P Blavatsky


From the writings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, the

founder of modern Theosophy and co-founder of the

original Theosophical Society in New York in 1875




Cardiff Theosophical Society

206 Newport Road,

Cardiff, Wales, UK, CF24 -1DL






Cardiff Theosophical Society

Mission Statement


The dominant and core activity of Cardiff Theosophical Society

is to promote and assist the study of Theosophical Teachings

as defined by the writings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky,

William Quan Judge, Alfred Percy Sinnett and their lineage.


This Mission Statement does not preclude non Theosophical

activities but these must be of a spiritual nature

and/or compatible with the Objects of the Society.





Cymdeithas Theosoffi Caerdydd

Datganiaid Cenhadaeth


Mae’r gweithgaredd dominyddol a chraid Cymdeithas Theosoffi Caerdydd

yw hyrwyddo a chynorthwyo astudiaeth Dysgeidiaeth Theosoffical

fel y diffinir gan ysgrifau Helena Petrovna Blavatsky,

William Quan Judge, Alfred Percy Sinnett a’u llinach.


Nid yw’r datganiad cenhadaeth yn atal gweithgareddau

ddi-theosoffical ond rhaid iddynt fod o natur ysbrydol

a/neu yn chymharus Amcanion y Cymdeithas.





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Helena Petrovna Blavatsky


The Founder of Modern Theosophy





of the Life Atoms


H P Blavatsky



Published 1883



[In an article titled "Hierosophy and Theosophy" which appeared in the Theosophist for July, 1883, William Oxley, F.T.S., referred briefly to the mummification practiced by the ancient Egyptians in order to support his speculation about "atoms" and "souls." To this passage H.P.B. appended a critical footnote. Then, in the succeeding August issue, a correspondent, "N.D.K.," asked some questions about statements made by H.P.B. in this footnote. Here we print the July footnote, followed by a summary of N.D.K.'s questions, and then the article of the above title, which gave H.P.B.'s replies.--Editors.]


MR. Oxley will permit us to correct him. He looks at the objective terrestrial and empty shell--the "mummy," and forgets that there may be hidden under the crude allegory a great scientific and occult truth. We are taught that for 3,000 years at least the "mummy" notwithstanding all the chemical preparations goes on throwing off to the last invisible atoms, which from the hour of death re-entering the various vortices of being go indeed "through every variety of organized life forms." But it is not the soul, the 5th, least of all the 6th, principle, but the life atoms of the jiva the 2nd principle. At the end of the 3,000 years, sometimes more, and sometimes less, after endless transmigrations all these atoms are once more drawn together, and are made to form the new outer clothing or the body of the same monad (the real soul) which had already been clothed with two or three thousands of years before. Even in the worst case that of the annihilation of the conscious personal principle the monad or individual soul is ever the same as are also the atoms of the lower principles which regenerated and renewed in this ever flowing river of being are magnetically drawn together owing to their affinity, and are once more re-incarnated together. Such was the true occult theory of the Egyptians.


[In his letter to the Editor, N.D.K. remarks that H.P.B.'s footnote constitutes "a new installment of occult teaching" suggesting a basis of truth in the doctrine of transmigration. "What then," he asks, "is meant by the life atoms, and their going through endless transmigrations?" Also, do "both the invisible atoms of the Jiva after going through various life-atoms return again to re-form the physical body, and the Jiva of the entity that has reached the end of its Devachanic state and is ready to be re-incarnated again?" Further, "does the term 'lower principles' include the 'Kama rupa' also, or only the lower triad of body, Jiva, and Linga sarira?" Finally, "do the atoms of the 4th principle (Kama rupa) and lower portion of the 5th, which cannot be assimilated by the 6th . . . also re-form--after going through various transmigrations, to constitute over again the 4th and lower 5th of the next incarnation?'']


We would, to begin with, draw our correspondent's attention to the closing sentence of the foot-note under his review. "Such was the true occult theory of the Egyptians"--the word "true" being used there in the sense of its being the doctrine they really believed in, as distinct from both the tenets fathered upon them by some Orientalists and quoted by Mr. Oxley, and that which the modern occultists may be now teaching. It does not stand to reason that, outside those occult truths that were known to, and revealed by, the great Hierophants during the final initiation, we should accept all that either the Egyptians or any other people may have regarded as true. The Priests of Isis were the only true initiates, and their occult teachings were still more veiled than those of the Chaldeans. There was the true doctrine of the Hierophants of the inner Temple; then the half-veiled Hieratic tenets of the Priest of the outer Temple; and finally, the vulgar popular religion of the great body of the ignorant who were allowed to reverence animals as divine. As shown correctly by Sir Gardner Wilkinson, the initiated priests taught that--"dissolution is only the cause of reproduction . . . nothing perishes which has once existed, but things which appear to be destroyed only change their natures and pass into another form." In the present case, however, the Egyptian doctrine of atoms coincides with our own occult teachings.


The just criticism of our observing brother, who takes naturally enough the sentence--"The life-atoms of the Jiva" in its literal sense, reminds us at the same time, more than ever, of that most important fact that one can never take too much care to express clearly new ideas while writing on metaphysical subjects. In penning the words under review, no thought was given in fact, that the idea was "a new installment," and, therefore, its incompleteness gave rise to a fresh misunderstanding. Without any doubt Jiva or Prana is quite distinct from the atoms it animates. The latter belong to the lowest or grossest state of matter--the objectively conditioned; the former--to its highest state: that state which the uninitiated, ignorant of its nature, would call the "objectively finite," but which, to avoid any future misunderstanding, we may, perhaps, be permitted to call the Subjectively Eternal, though at the same time, and in one sense the subsistent existence--however paradoxical and unscientific the term may appear. Though there is a distinct term for it in the language of the adepts, how can one translate it into a European language? What name can be given to that which is objective yet immaterial in its finite manifestations, subjective yet substantive (though not in our sense of substance) in its eternal existence? Having explained it the best way we can, we leave the task of finding a more appropriate term for it to our learned English occultists. -Ed.]


Life, the occultist says, is the eternal uncreated energy, and it alone represents in the infinite universe, that which the physicists have agreed to name the principle? or the law of continuity, though they apply it only to the endless development of the conditioned. But since modern science admits through her most learned professors that "energy has as much claim to be regarded as an objective reality as matter itself,"2[Footnote 2: Unseen Universe] and that life, according to the occult doctrine,--is the one energy acting Proteus-like under the most varied forms, the occultists have a certain right to use such a phraseology. Life is ever present in the atom or matter, whether organic or inorganic, conditioned or unconditioned--a difference that the occultists do not accept. Their doctrine is that life is as much present in the inorganic as in the organic matter: when life-energy is active in the atom, that atom is organic; when dormant or latent, then the atom is inorganic. Therefore, the expression "life-atom" though apt in one sense to mislead the reader, is not incorrect after all, since occultists do not recognise that anything in nature can be inorganic and know of no "dead atoms," whatever meaning science may give to the adjective.


The alleged law of Biogenesis is the result of the ignorance of the man of science of occult physics. It is accepted because the man of science was hitherto unable to find the necessary means to awaken into activity dormant life in what he terms an inorganic atom: hence the fallacy that a living thing can only be produced from a living thing, as though there ever was such a thing as dead matter in Nature! At this rate, and to be consistent, a mule ought to be also classed with inorganic matter, since it is unable to reproduce itself, and generate life.


We lay so much stress upon the above to answer at once any future objection to the idea that a mummy several thousand years old, can be throwing off atoms. Nevertheless the sentence may perhaps have been more clearly expressed by saying instead of the "life-atoms of Jiva," the atoms "animated by dormant Jiva or life energy." Again, the sentence quoted by our correspondent from Fragment No. 1,*[Footnote *: From "Fragments of Occult Truth -1" (Theosophist III, 18; see Theosophy 2:100). The full sentence reads: "The Vital principle (or Jiva-atma, a form of force, indestructible, and when disconnected with one set of atoms, becoming attracted immediately by others."] though quite correct on the whole, might be more fully, if not more clearly, expressed. The "Jiva," or life principle which animates man, beast, plant or even a mineral, certainly is "a form of force, indestructible," since this force is the one life, or anima mundi, the universal living soul, and that the various modes in which the various objective things appear to us in nature in their atomic aggregations, such as minerals, plants, animals, etc., are all the different forms or states in which this force manifests itself. Were it to become, we will not say absent, for this is impossible, since it is omnipresent, but for one single instant inactive, say in a stone, the particles of the latter would lose instantly their cohesive property and disintegrate as suddenly--though the force would still remain in each of its particles, but in a dormant state. Thus the continuation of the sentence which states that, when this indestructible force is "disconnected with one set of atoms, it becomes attracted immediately by others" does not imply that it abandons entirely the first set, but only that it transfers its vis viva or living power, the energy of motion, to another set. But because it manifests itself in the next set as what is called Kinetic energy, it does not follow that the first set is deprived of it altogether; for it is still in it, as potential energy, or life latent.


We feel constrained to make use of terms that have become technical in modern science-though they do not always fully express the idea to be conveyed-for want of better words. It is useless to hope that the occult doctrine may be ever thoroughly understood-even the few tenets that can be safely given to the world at large-unless a glossary of such words is edited; and, what is of a still more primary importance-until the full and correct meaning of the terms therein taught is thoroughly mastered. -Ed.] This is a cardinal and basic truth of occultism, on the perfect knowledge of which depends the production of every phenomenon. Unless we admit this point, we should have to give up all the other truths of occultism. Thus what is "meant by the life-atom going through endless transmigration" is simply this: we regard and call in our occult phraseology those atoms that are moved by Kinetic energy as "life-atoms," while those that are for the time being passive, containing but invisible potential energy, we call "sleeping atoms," regarding at the same time those two forms of energy as produced by the one and same force, or life. We have to beg our readers' indulgence: we are neither a man of science, nor an English scholar. Forced by circumstances to give out the little we know, we do the best we can and explain matters to the best of our ability. Ignorant of Newton's laws, we claim to know something only of the Occult Laws of motion. And now to the Hindu doctrine of Metempsychosis.


It has a basis of truth; and, in fact, it is an axiomatic truth--but only in reference to human atoms and emanations, and that not only after a man's death, but during the whole period of his life. The esoteric meaning of the Laws of Manu (Sec. XII, 3, and XII, 54 and 55), of the verses that state that "every act, either mental, verbal or corporeal, bears good or evil fruit (Karma), the various transmigrations of men (not souls) through the highest, middle, and lowest stages, are produced by his actions"; and again that "A Brahman-killer enters the body of a dog, bear, ass, camel, goat, sheep, bird, etc.," bears no reference to the human Ego, but only to the atoms of his body, of his lower triad, and his fluidic emanations.


It is all very well for the Brahmins to distort in their own interest, the real meaning contained in these laws, but the words as quoted never meant what they were made to yield from the above verses later on. The Brahmins applied them selfishly to themselves, whereas by "Brahman," man's seventh principle, his immortal monad and the essence of the personal Ego were allegorically meant. He who kills or extinguishes in himself the light of Parabrahm, i.e., severs his personal Ego from the Atman and thus kills the future Devachanee, becomes a "Brahman-killer." Instead of facilitating, through a virtuous life and spiritual aspirations the mutual union of the Buddhi and the Manas, he condemns by his own evil acts every atom of his lower principles to become attracted and drawn, in virtue of the magnetic affinity thus created by his passions, into the forming bodies of lower animals or brutes. This is the real meaning of the doctrine of Metempsychosis. It is not that such amalgamation of human particles with animal or even vegetable atoms can carry in it any idea of personal punishment per se, for of course it does not. But it is a cause created, the effects of which may manifest themselves throughout the next rebirths--unless the personality is annihilated. Otherwise, from cause to effect, every effect becoming in its turn a cause, they will run along the cycle of rebirths, the once-given impulse expending itself only at the threshold of Pralaya. But of this anon.


Notwithstanding their esoteric meaning, even the words of the grandest and noblest of all the adepts, Gautama Buddha, are misunderstood, distorted and ridiculed in the same way. The Hina-yana, the lowest form of transmigration of the Buddhist, is as little comprehended as the Maha-yana, its highest form, and, because Sakya Muni is shown to have once remarked to his Bhikkus, while pointing out to them a broom, that "it had formerly been a novice who neglected to sweep out" the Council room, hence was reborn as a broom (!), therefore, the wisest of all of the world's sages stands accused of idiotic superstition. Why not try and find out, before accusing, the true meaning of the figurative statement? Why should we scoff before we understand?


Is or is not that which is called magnetic effluvia a something, a stuff, or substance, invisible, and imponderable though it be? If the learned authors of "The Unseen Universe" object to light, heat and electricity being regarded merely as imponderables, and show that each of these phenomena has as much claim to be recognized as an objective reality as matter itself--our right to regard the mesmeric or magnetic fluid which emanates from man to man or even from man to what is termed an inanimate object, is far greater. It is not enough to say that this fluid is a species of molecular energy like heat, for instance, for it is vastly more. Heat is produced whenever visible energy is transformed into molecular energy, we are told, and it may be thrown out by any material composed of sleeping atoms or inorganic matter as it is called: whereas the magnetic fluid projected by a living human body is life itself. "Indeed it is life-atoms" that a man in a blind passion throws off, unconsciously, and though he does it quite as effectively as a mesmeriser who transfers them from himself to any object consciously and under the guidance of his will. Let any man give way to any intense feeling, such as anger, grief, etc., under or near a tree, or in direct contact with a stone; and many thousands of years after that any tolerable Psychometer will see the man and sense his feelings, from one single fragment of that tree or stone that he had touched. Hold any object in your hand, and it will become impregnated with your life atoms, indrawn and outdrawn, changed and transferred in us at every instant of our lives. Animal heat is but so many life atoms in molecular motion. It requires no adept knowledge, but simply the natural gift of a good clairvoyant subject to see them passing to and fro, from man to objects and vice versa like a bluish lambent flame.


Why then should not a broom, made of a shrub, which grew most likely in the vicinity of the building where the lazy novice lived, a shrub, perhaps, repeatedly touched by him while in a state of anger, provoked by his laziness and distaste to his duty,--why should not a quantity of his life atoms have passed into the materials of the future besom and therein have been recognised by Buddha, owing to his superhuman (not supernatural) powers? The processes of nature are acts of incessant borrowing and giving back. The materialistic sceptic, however, will not take anything in any, save in a literal, dead-letter sense. We would invite those Christian Orientalists who chuckle at this record of Buddha's teachings to compare it with a certain passage in the Gospels--a teaching of Christ. To his disciples' query "who did sin, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"--the answer they received was--"neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him." (John ix. 2-3.)


Now Gautama's statement has a scientific and philosophic meaning for every occultist at least, if it lacks a clear meaning for the profane; while the answer put (probably centuries later4) And probably by, or under, the inspiration of Irenaeus since the sentence is found in the 4th Gospel, that of John, that did not exist yet at the time of his quarrels with the Gnostics.-Ed.] into the mouth of the founder of Christianity by his over-zealous and ignorant biographers has not even that esoteric meaning, which so many of the sayings of Jesus are pregnant with. This alleged teaching is an uncalled-for and blasphemous insult to their own God, implying, as it clearly does, that for the pleasure of manifesting his power, the Deity had foredoomed an innocent man to the torture of a life-long blindness. As well accuse Christ of being the author of the 39 Articles!


To conclude our too long answer, the "lower principles" mentioned in the foot-note are--the 1st, 2nd and 3rd. They cannot include the Kamarupa, for this "rupa" belongs to the middle, not the lower principles. And, to our correspondent's further query, "do the atoms of these (the 4th and the 5th) also re-form after going through various transmigrations to constitute over again the 4th and the lower 5th of the next incarnation"--we answer--"they do." The reason why we have tried to explain the doctrine of the "life atoms" at such length, is precisely in connection with this last question, and with the object of throwing out one more valuable hint. We do not feel at liberty at present, however, to give any further details.






Cardiff Theosophical Society

206 Newport Road,

Cardiff, Wales, UK, CF24 -1DL


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The dominant and core activity of Cardiff Theosophical Society

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as defined by the writings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky,

William Quan Judge, Alfred Percy Sinnett and their lineage.


This Mission Statement does not preclude non Theosophical

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Cymdeithas Theosoffi Caerdydd

Datganiaid Cenhadaeth


Mae’r gweithgaredd dominyddol a chraid Cymdeithas Theosoffi Caerdydd

yw hyrwyddo a chynorthwyo astudiaeth Dysgeidiaeth Theosoffical

fel y diffinir gan ysgrifau Helena Petrovna Blavatsky,

William Quan Judge, Alfred Percy Sinnett a’u llinach.


Nid yw’r datganiad cenhadaeth yn atal gweithgareddau

ddi-theosoffical ond rhaid iddynt fod o natur ysbrydol

a/neu yn chymharus Amcanion y Cymdeithas.








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The South of Heaven Guide

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Colonel Henry Steel Olcott  William Quan Judge


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Bakers Row

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Pavement Artist on Queen Street, Cardiff



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Preface to the American Edition  Introduction


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Biography of William Q Judge


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Outline of Theosophy By C W Leadbeater


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Theosophy By Annie Besant

From a Lecture circa 1889


Theosophy and the Theosophical Society

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Evolution by William Quan Judge






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My Books

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Cardiff Castle viewed from Queen Street



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The Royal Arcade

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Helena Petrovna Blavatsky 1831 – 1891

The Founder of Modern Theosophy


Index of Articles by


H P Blavatsky







A Land of Mystery



A Case Of Obsession









The Mind in Nature






Fakirs and Tables



Is the Desire to Live Selfish?



A Paradoxical World



An Astral Prophet



Ancient Magic in Modern Science



Roots of Ritualism in

Church and Masonry



A Year of Theosophy



Can The Mahatmas

Be Selfish?



Chelas and Lay Chelas



Nightmare Tales



“My Books”



Dialogue On The Mysteries

Of The After Life



Do The Rishis Exist?



"Esoteric Buddhism"

And The

"Secret Doctrine"



Have Animals Souls



The Kabalah and the Kabalists



Babel Of Modern Thought



Thoughts on the Elementals



Karmic Visions



What Is Truth?




The Death of Art and Beauty



Gems from the East

A Birthday Book of Axions and

Precepts Compiled by H P Blavatsky



Obras Por H P Blavatsky

En Espanol



¿Es la Teosofía una Religión?



La Clave de la Teosofía



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H P Blavatsky

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Geoffrey A Barborka

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The Life of H P Blavatsky

Edited by A P Sinnett





Writings of W Q Judge Writings of Annie Besant


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Writings of G S Arundale Writings of G R S Mead


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A Modern Revival of Ancient Wisdom

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Studies in Occultism

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The Conquest of Illusion

J J van der Leeuw


The Secret Doctrine – Volume 3

A compilation of H P Blavatsky’s

writings published after her death


Esoteric Christianity or the Lesser Mysteries

Annie Besant


The Ancient Wisdom

Annie Besant



Annie Besant


The Early Teachings of The Masters


Edited by

C. Jinarajadasa


Study in Consciousness

Annie Besant



A Textbook of Theosophy

C W Leadbeater


A Modern Panarion

A Collection of Fugitive Fragments

From the Pen of

H P Blavatsky


The Perfect Way or,

The Finding of Christ

Anna Bonus Kingsford

& Edward Maitland



The Perfect Way or,

The Finding of Christ

Anna Bonus Kingsford

& Edward Maitland



Pistis Sophia

A Gnostic Gospel

Foreword by G R S Mead


The Devachanic Plane.

Its Characteristics

and Inhabitants

C. W. Leadbeater



Annie Besant



Bhagavad Gita

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William Quan Judge


Psychic Glossary


Sanskrit Dictionary


Fundamentals of the Esoteric Philosophy

G de Purucker


In The Outer Court

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Dreams and


Anna Kingsford


My Path to Atheism

Annie Besant


From the Caves and

Jungles of Hindostan

H P Blavatsky


The Hidden Side

Of Things

C W Leadbeater


Glimpses of

Masonic History

C W Leadbeater


Five Years Of


Various Theosophical


Mystical, Philosophical, Theosophical, Historical

and Scientific Essays Selected from "The Theosophist"

Edited by George Robert Stow Mead


Spiritualism and Theosophy

C W Leadbeater


Commentary on

The Voice of the Silence

Annie Besant and

C W Leadbeater

From Talks on the Path of Occultism - Vol. II


Is This Theosophy?

Ernest Egerton Wood


In The Twilight

Annie Besant

In the Twilight” Series of Articles

The In the Twilight” series appeared during

1898 in The Theosophical Review and

from 1909-1913 in The Theosophist.


Incidents in the Life

of Madame Blavatsky

compiled from information supplied by

her relatives and friends and edited by A P Sinnett


The Friendly Philosopher

Robert Crosbie

Letters and Talks on Theosophy and the Theosophical Life



Obras Teosoficas En Espanol


La Sabiduria Antigua

Annie Besant


Glosario Teosofico


H P Blavatsky



Theosophische Schriften Auf Deutsch


Die Geheimlehre


H P Blavatsky





A Study in Karma

Annie Besant


Karma  Fundamental Principles  Laws: Natural and Man-Made


The Law of Laws  The Eternal Now  Succession  Causation


The Laws of Nature  A Lesson of The Law  Karma Does Not Crush


Apply This Law  Man in The Three Worlds  Understand The Truth


Man and His Surroundings  The Three Fates  The Pair of Triplets


Thought, The Builder  Practical Meditation  Will and Desire


The Mastery of Desire  Two Other Points  The Third Thread


Perfect Justice  Our Environment  Our Kith and Kin  Our Nation


The Light for a Good Man  Knowledge of Law  The Opposing Schools


The More Modern View  Self-Examination  Out of the Past


Old Friendships  We Grow By Giving  Collective Karma  Family Karma


National Karma  India’s Karma  National Disasters 



Esoteric Buddhism

Alfred Percy Sinnett

Annotated Edition Published 1885 


Preface to the Annotated Edition  Preface to the Original Edition


Esoteric Teachers  The Constitution of Man  The Planetary Chain


The World Periods  Devachan  Kama Loca


The Human Tide-Wave  The Progress of Humanity


Buddha  Nirvana  The Universe  The Doctrine Reviewed





Try these if you are looking for a

local Theosophy Group or Centre


UK Listing of Theosophical Groups


Worldwide Directory of Theosophical Links


International Directory of 

Theosophical Societies






Pages about Wales

General pages about Wales, Welsh History

and The History of Theosophy in Wales


Wales is a Principality within the United Kingdom

and has an eastern border with England. The land

area is just over 8,000 square miles. Snowdon in

North Wales is the highest mountain at 3,650 feet.

The coastline is almost 750 miles long. The population

of Wales as at the 2001 census is 2,946,200.








Cardiff Theosophical Society

Mission Statement


The dominant and core activity of Cardiff Theosophical Society

is to promote and assist the study of Theosophical Teachings

as defined by the writings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky,

William Quan Judge, Alfred Percy Sinnett and their lineage.


This Mission Statement does not preclude non Theosophical

activities but these must be of a spiritual nature

and/or compatible with the Objects of the Society.





Cymdeithas Theosoffi Caerdydd

Datganiaid Cenhadaeth


Mae’r gweithgaredd dominyddol a chraid Cymdeithas Theosoffi Caerdydd

yw hyrwyddo a chynorthwyo astudiaeth Dysgeidiaeth Theosoffical

fel y diffinir gan ysgrifau Helena Petrovna Blavatsky,

William Quan Judge, Alfred Percy Sinnett a’u llinach.


Nid yw’r datganiad cenhadaeth yn atal gweithgareddau

ddi-theosoffical ond rhaid iddynt fod o natur ysbrydol

a/neu yn chymharus Amcanion y Cymdeithas.





Cardiff Gallery



John Batchelor

Patron Saint of traffic cones and pigeons.

Now in his newly pedestrianised setting.



The Mill on Mill Lane




The Morgan Arcade



The Old Clock on Queen Street




The Trinity Street entrance to the Old Library




Tribute to BBC DJ and Presenter, John Peel



The Retro Shop on St Mary Street



The St Mary Street entrance to the Royal Arcade



University of South Wales



The Wellington Public House



Wyndham Arcade



Looking along Womanby Street towards Cardiff Castle




Wales Theosophy Links Summary


All Wales Guide to Theosophy Instant Guide to Theosophy


Theosophy Wales Hornet Theosophy Wales Now


Cardiff Theosophical Archive Elementary Theosophy


Basic Theosophy Theosophy in Cardiff Theosophy in Wales


Hey Look! Theosophy in Cardiff Streetwise Theosophy


Grand Tour Theosophy Aardvark Theosophy Starts Here


Theosophy 206 Biography of William Q Judge


Theosophy Cardiff’s Face Book of Great Theosophists


Theosophy Evolution  Theosophy Generally Stated


Biography of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky


The Writings of William Arthur Dunn


Working Theosophical Glossary

compiled by William Quan Judge






Theosophical Films

Theosophy Wales Channel



The Empath; A Theosophical View


Free Will & Determinism


Deep Ecology


Is the Universe Self Aware?


Clearing Emotional Debris from Your Home


Will Life Threatening Global 

 Problems Replace War?






Causes of Immediate Reincarnation


Art & Human Evolution


Trapped in the Wheel of Samsara.

 Reincarnation without Spiritual Progress


Reincarnation & Population Increase




The Benefits of Making a Stand


Reincarnation & Nationalism


Outliving the Stars


A Theosophical View of 

Human Imagination


Addiction to Mental Stimulation


Reincarnation is Pointless 

without the Role of Karma

